View Invoice Tab

Two sub tabs are available under this main tab. View Invoice and Download Invoice. Use this tab to view or download the PDF invoice for the selected Billing Cycle

If the invoice is not available, a message will appear giving the user an explanation and/or instructions for receiving help. Messages will appear in the following cases:

  1. If the invoice has been archived
  • “This invoice has been archived and is no longer available. Please contact customer service for details regarding this invoice.”
  • TBS considers the invoice to be archived if the Billing Cycle date is older than the number of days that has been configured in the DaysInInvoiceDownloadArchive field in the T4AppSettings table
  1. If the billing cycle date occurred less than 7 days ago (typically awaiting PDFs from the most recent billing cycle)
  • “This invoice will be available in 1-2 business days.”
  1. If neither of the above cases is true
  • This invoice could not be found; please contact customer service for assistance.